FirstVet is the world leader in veterinary telemedicine, specialising in serving the needs of pet insurers and their customers. Active in all Nordic countries, the UK and Germany. The only global telemedicine actor within veterinary care operating at scale FirstVet now delivers over 25k consultations per month across Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, the UK and Germany. FirstVet works with pet insurers in the Nordics, UK and Germany having grown the number of covered pets significantly in recent years
Together with these partners, FirstVet provides telemedicine coverage to over 5 million pets. FirstVet radically improves the veterinary experience for the customers of its insurance partners, as well as generating a significant reduction in cost through improved triage and customer retention
FirstVet customers have submitted over 100,000 post consultation reviews where >99% have been positive (3 stars or above). FirstVet is open to insurance partnerships and any other customer facing companies with a large base of pet parents.