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ApéroTech goes Smart and Green Mobility
© La French Tech Munich

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ApéroTech goes Smart and Green Mobility

The French Tech Munich and the program “Digital Transformation, Marketing and Strategy” of emlyon business school are inviting you to an ApéroTech Networking event. 40 post-master students of this program will share their passion for digital innovation and highlights of their immersion experience in the Munich impact and smart mobility start-up ecosystem.

We are happy for you to join us at the Institut Français for an evening of fun networking, talent recruiting and insightful Austausch in a French-Bavarian athmosphere.


  • Pierre Clouet, Consul général adjoint
  • Jérôme Hamacher, Secrétaire Général de la French Tech Munich
  • Julien Deseigne, Head of program at emlyon business school
  • Introduction by François Hoehlinger, CEO Troopy
  • Experience Sharing by the EMLyon Students („Retour d’expérience“ by the students)

Hier findet Ihr mehr Informationen zu der Veranstaltung.


24. März 2023
18:00 Uhr - 21:00 Uhr


La French Tech Munich
Zur Website


Institut Français, Kaulbachstr. 13, 80539 München Google Karte anzeigen