BMW Startup Garage
Eintrag zuletzt aktualisiert am 20. Mai 2015

The BMW Startup Garage is your gateway into the 10 trillion dollar automotive industry. It allows you to validate your solution, learn about the automotive industry and network with key decision makers.

We offer a no-strings attached, co-development partnership, as well as a network of top automotive engineers and managers.

  • Acquire a top automotive client: The BMW Group becomes your client. The funds you get through the program account as revenue. It is no equity investment or debt.
  • Retain your IP: No worries! We do not strangle you with complex contract obligations. You will retain all your IP. There are no exclusivity obligations
  • Use cutting-edge tools and cars: Get free access to state-of-the-art prototyping tools, technologies and (very cool) cars to build your automotive prototype.
  • Learn from the world’s best: Our best engineers will help you build your prototype. Your will also learn from seasoned managers how to succeed in the automotive industry.
  • Build your automotive network: We will connect you with those key decision makers you need to grow your automotive business – from R&D to manufacturing, purchasing and sales.
  • Become a global player: The BMW Group is the world’s best-selling manufacturer of premium cars – BMW, Mini and Rolls-Royce. By gaining us as your client, you are becoming a true global player.



BMW Startup Garage
Parkring 19
85748 München

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