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Hybrid Innovation Day - Aerospace meets Agriculture - by TUM Venture Labs

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Hybrid Innovation Day – Aerospace meets Agriculture – by TUM Venture Labs

How can aerospace technologies such as remote sensing or drones contribute to food security and sustainable agriculture?

Our innovation day Aerospace meets Agriculture brings together two disciplines that, at first glance, have nothing to do with one another. But at a second glance, it quickly becomes apparent that there are great potentials to find technological answers to many future questions. Many innovations in this area have already been in use for a while. On the 2nd of February 2023, experts from science and industry will bring us closer to the interface between these two disciplines and discuss future potentials. Through a start-up pitch event, bright minds will present their innovations of tomorrow.

Hier findet Ihr mehr Informationen zu der Veranstaltung.


2. Februar 2023
9:00 Uhr - 16:00 Uhr


TUM Venture Labs
Zur Website


Vorhoelzer Forum, Arcisstraße 21, München Bayern Google Karte anzeigen