Testbirds GmbH
Eintrag zuletzt aktualisiert am 6. September 2021

With the motto ‘Testing Reality – Real users. Real devices. Real impact.’, Testbirds helps clients create digital products that people really love.

Testbirds’ crowdtesting services offer a comprehensive, high-quality testing experience adaptable to the individual needs of clients with a focus on the quality assurance and usability of digital products. It doesn’t matter if it’s apps, websites, Internet-of-Things applications (IoT) or the newest tech innovations – with over 600,000 testers in 193 countries, Testbirds is a world-leading crowdtesting provider. Crowdtesting relies on unbiased real users, chosen to match any specific target group. This way, companies get feedback directly from the people they want to reach and don’t have to rely on lab experiments alone.
Thanks to crowdtesting, more than 1,000,000 different devices are available for tests – from desktop computers to mobile or IoT devices. Testing on different operating systems and browsers ensures that companies gain a comprehensive picture of functionality and user-friendliness. Customer-centricity as well as a holistic approach to quality are at the forefront of Testbirds’ thinking. With its flexible commercial model, a user-friendly crowdtesting platform, in-house UX & QA expert project managers, and a team dedicated to Crowd relations, Testbirds support its clients in taking any digital product to the next level.

Testbirds was founded in 2011 by Philipp Benkler, Georg Hansbauer and Markus Steinhauser. Today, the company has over 100 employees with its headquarters in Munich, offices in Amsterdam and London, franchises in Hungary and Russia, and sales partners in Italy and North America. Testbirds works with top clients worldwide, which include large scale multi-national groups as well as small- to medium-sized enterprises and start-ups. Companies like BMW, Audi, Deutsche Telekom, Allianz, The Independent, and Western Union trust in Testbirds’ services to optimize their digital products.







Testbirds GmbH
Radlkoferstr. 2
81373 München

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