BioEntrepreneurship Summit


BioEntrepreneurship Summit

The BioEntrepreneurship Summit brings together all relevant stakeholders of the bioentrepreneurial and health tech ecosystem. Why attend? Driven by the…


BioEntrepreneur i-day

The BioEntrepreneur i-day: A day of inspirational talks and health innovation training, supporting you in the design and pitch of…

Logo BioM Biotech Cluster Development GmbH


BioEntrepreneurship Summit

Driven by the enormous growth in knowledge and the development of new groundbreaking technologies in molecular biology, molecular analysis and…


4. BioEntrepreneur-Lounge – bei BayStartUP

Die Biotech-Gründerszene trifft sich bei der 4. BioEntrepreneur Lounge am Mittwoch, den 14. September 2016. Die vierte Veranstaltung in diesem…