Pyoneer GmbH
Eintrag zuletzt aktualisiert am 28.09.2020

Pyoneer GmbH

Pyoneer uses AI power to centralize and qualify feedback from multiple touchpoints with customers to automatically identify needs and pains.

The solution provides a simple workflow to gain valuable insights and allow teams a shared understanding of their customer neds. Teams save massive time and gain transparency to unconvert opportunities for innovation, better prioritize what products to build next and to translate feedback into more targeted product requirements.


Pyoneer GmbH
Donnersbergerstraße 9b
80634 München

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Date Investors Amount Round
Mar 2022 SpinLab N/A
Total funding N/A


  Current Growth Rank
Web users - -
Social engagement 2K followers -
Employees 5 105,789th
Top countries - -